By the mid-1980s, having already established a successful holistic practice in the U.K,during a deep meditation I had an intuitive prompting that made me feel ready to expand my spiritual understanding by taking further training.
A short time later, somebody handed me a leaflet about a New Thought Science of Mind teacher from America who was offering metaphysical training in the U.K.
I attended the lecture and was excited about the training. The course was full, however; so, concluding that I had misread my guidance, I continued with a previously planned trip to the U.S.
There I met a lady who was studying metaphysics with Science of Mind in Los Angeles. She invited me to a meeting, and I felt the same sense of excitement that I’d experienced at the lecture in London.
Days later, at a different event, a woman approached me, saying that she had a spiritual message for me: I should go to the Bodhi Tree metaphysical bookshop because there was an important book there for me. She had no title but said I would be intuitively led to it.
Arriving at the bookshop, I was overwhelmed by the thousands of books on display. How would I ever find the “special” one?
A large, impressive, leather-bound title enticed me. My ego spoke: “That must be it!” As I reached up to coax it down, a small, insignificant paperback came hurtling into my hands.
Casting it aside, I noticed the title: You Can Heal Your Life. Although that title has since become a world wide best seller, you have to remember that this was years before Oprah promoted it on her show.
At that time the book was relatively unknown and as far as I know was only available in the U.S. Not becoming available in the U.K. Until a couple of years later.
Something prompted me to look inside. I couldn’t believe it. The author, Louise Hay, was trained in the Science of Mind teachings. Just what was going on?
Those teachings were following me around.
I returned to the U.K., intrigued by all of these coincidences. Upon opening my front door, there lying on the mat was a letter from the course teacher here in England. Somebody had dropped out of the metaphysical training course. Would I like the space?
I then trained with the Science of Mind organisation for three years, which was a life-changing chapter in my journey. All this time later I am still following this path proving to me without any doubt that “Your Soul Always Knows Your Destiny”
Christine King’s soul journey began in 1979 after her husband died. She received a powerful message that her work was to help people on a spiritual path discover their soul’s purpose. She has almost 40 years’ experience as a metaphysical teacher and Soul Guidance Practitioner.
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